blank'/> EyreLand: There's Nothing Wrong With Being Highly Selective...and Awesome


There's Nothing Wrong With Being Highly Selective...and Awesome

I have come to realize lately, that all of my friends from high school are married and having children. It's not a bad thing, it's great actually; the only problem is that it often leaves me with no one but married people to spend my time with. I have some single friends as well of course, but as one of the only single people left in a rather large group of friends that I grew up with, sometimes, what I like to call "single guilt" gets to me. In a nut shell, "single guilt," is the many emotions that come about when a single person spends too much time with married people, and not enough time with other happy single people. As an ode to myself, and other single people in my same situation, I have decided to write a (hopefully) comic description about what it is like to be one of the few single people in a group of married friends. To anyone out there in the same position as me, I hope this gives you a good laugh and lets you know you aren't alone...

When someone asks me why I am not currently dating someone, I'm just like:

But behind closed doors, it's like:

Good friends will try to tell me:

But I'm like: So.....

With the guys I do want to date, it's like:

Then of course when I get a chance to talk to one of them, I'm like:

I keep telling myself:

But when it doesn't work out and people try to ask me if I'm okay being alone, I'm just like:

And they can never really question that because:

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