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Feeling Whimsical

I have been inspired as of late by the great beauty of the amazing west in which I live and I feel it is appropriate to include a little photo tribute to my recent nostalgic mood and positive outlook on my current state and situation in life.

There are times in life when the weight of the world seems to be crushing down with the force of ten thousand soldiers. Life can seem too difficult to bear at times, but it is in these moments when it is important to recognize the beauty all around us. There is the raw beauty of nature, light against the dark, each individual person who is completely different than every other one, moments in time that can move quickly by and yet seem to stand still. If we take the time to recognize all the goodness that exists and flourishes in spite of all the bad, we can begin to nourish a seed of hope. Through hope, optimism is not a far fetched concept and life can suddenly feel beautiful and simple all over again; then before we realize the change, our burden has been lifted by the strength our hope created. 
Never underestimate the power of nature.

"Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit."
-Henry David Thoreau

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