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Memories: Two Sisters and a Whole Slew of Fun

As Have I ever mentioned that I seriously love my family?!
I do. It's simply the truth. They are the most amazing people and my biggest influences!
In particular, I would like to mention how much I love my amazing eldest sister Brittani. Although there are almost 13 years between us, and she has lived in a different state than me for most of my life, she never ceases to be one of my best friends. From the time I was born, she and I had a special bond that has influenced me greatly in all that I am and all that I do.
I mention her today, because of the beautiful post she sent me on Facebook for my birthday; which reads as follows:

Happy birthday to the sunshine of my life! You were born when I was twelve, and have been the sunniest thing in our family ever since. Twenty-four favorite fun-facts/memories of you:
1. I tried to convince mom to name you Anika Aubrey. I'm glad she didn't listen to me.
2. You used to bring your stuffed animals in to snuggle with me.
3. You used to sneak into my bedroom to sleep ALL THE TIME. I loved it.
4. Mom and dad would let me go practically anywhere at any hour if I took you with me.
5. I used to choose your clothes and curl your hair for church on Sundays. Man, you had the cutest clothes.
6. I used to volunteer to "take you out" during sacrament meeting so I could go chat with friends in the foyer.
7. You could recite EVERY LINE of EVERY MOVIE by the time you were about 3. I guess mom's super-strict TV rules never trickled down to you.
8. You used to spend hours playing in the little puddles at Bear Lake, and yet you never seemed to get sunburned.
9. All my friends loved you.
10. We loved taking you to movies and to get frozen yogurt with you.
11. You had the cutest, most gravelly little voice.
12. You understand that Reading Books is serious business.
13. You understand that boys are not such serious business.
14. Your middle name is Ambition. I think. Or some other descriptor that fits you far less suitably.
15. You're the smartest sister. Don't tell the others I said so.
16. You're the most fun to talk about books with. And the only one who has a quick answer when I ask everyone about their best book of the year.
17. You're not afraid to show/share emotion. This world would be a lot more navigable if others followed your lead.
18. You always find the bright side of every situation, and you show it to others.
19. You have the best laugh.
20. You know how to make everyone else laugh.
21. You march to the tune of your own drummer (didn't you just watch Dead Poets Society? So did I--thought of you).
22. You don't waste (much) time on things that don't matter.
23. You work hard and you play hard.
24. You have great things ahead of you! I love watching them unfold.

end of facebook post

As the single subject of my college entrance essays five years ago, I think it is safe to say that my biggest sister has had an amazing influence on my life, and I am so thankful for her everyday!
Love you Brit!

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