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A Window's View

Back a while (I think I mentioned it), I took the opportunity to do a cross-country road trip with my sister Chelsi. It wasn't a long trip, full of countless stops at historical sights and back roads to get to the "hidden gems" of each unique state; I knew it wouldn't be when I agreed to go. It was more of a, drive as fast as you can across eight whole states because there are 4 kids in the car who aren't going to last more than two days in travel mode kind of trip. Although it wasn't exactly what I pictured my first cross-country road trip as being, it actually turned out to be a cool experience.
There is something to be said for the unique beauty of the vast spaces of land in this country and all of the areas that are not considered the "hip" or "happening" places. Witnessing the change; from dense forest trees, rolling hills, narrow roads, and old fashioned farms; to endless rows of corn, clear blue skies that seem to extend beyond the horizon, industrial farm equipment, and the occasional clump of houses; to desert-like rolling meadows of wild grasses and sage brush where the populous cows and horses claim the land; to the majestic mountains that rise abruptly out of the smooth open fields to stand tall as the conquering rock giants of the west; confirms my belief that this must be the most geographically diverse nation on earth. It is certainly one of the most beautiful.
Although the massive amounts of overproduced corn for the use of environmentally harmful products-- not to mention all of the unhealthy corn products we consume-- tends to put a slight damper on the open beauty that makes up nearly the entire middle potion of the country (about 5 states), I am very glad that I got to witness such a unique view of the country. Letting more than 2,000 miles pass by with a view limited to that of a car window flying down the highway at 80 miles per hour might not sound like an ideal vacation, but it certainly isn't one that should be overlooked. It was beautiful. Simply beautiful.
The next time I decide to take a road trip, I think I will leave out the four kids and try to visit some of those "hidden gems." For now however, I am satisfied to know that I had a great experience with my wonderful sister, her four kids, many mile of road, and a window with a view of the whole country!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for being willing to take such an epic vacation with me;) The 3 weeks that followed made it ALL worth it:) least for us. You rock little sista!