With all the millions of blogs available on the world wide web, I have to say, I am glad you ended up here on my blog! If you are new, please explore and enjoy. If you are a returning viewer, please do the same.
Now, on to the introduction. My name is Aubrey and I am what might be described as an eclectic character in the world of blogging. I don't just have one subject or theme, but rather I have as many as I think are of interest to me, and maybe to others. As a recent college graduate with a degree in English/ Creative Writing and a plethora of passions and interests, I have dedicated this small corner of the internet to express my thoughts, share my stories, shamelessly promote my favorite products, activities, locations, and people, and generally ramble about my interests.
To some, my life and ramblings may seem interesting. To others, my posts will be of little interest. The choice is yours. However, if you are anything like me, getting a front seat view with a welcome invitation into the life of another person is nothing short of fascinating. (Let's be honest, that is the reason anyone and everyone likes blogs). I think people are interesting, and if I am going to satisfy my curiosity about how other people live and think by following their blogs, instagrams, twitter feeds, and facebook pages, I might as well offer the same courtesy to others.
Although it often seems that things on the internet are pointless, I believe that nothing is without a purpose. At times, my skills may be lacking, but I believe that my purpose in this life is to write. Writing is just what I do, and although I think that blogging is not exactly the style that fits me best, I don't mind using this opportunity to broaden my skills and practice writing from a first person, non-fiction perspective; even it it isn't the most stellar material available.
As a child, I was read to often by my eldest sister Brittani. She instilled in me a great love for the written word and the way in which it can express an endless amount of feelings, experiences, ideals, stories, etc. My life musings and happenings may not be comparable to the works of Hemingway, Maya Angelou, or even Veronica Roth, but I still think they will have value to someone apart from myself, and thus I put them out there, available to affect who they may.
Here it is. My blog. Feel free to follow it all. My blog, my instagram, my twitter. Read and indulge twice a week on the random thoughts and experiences that my life churns out as I post it here for all the world to see.
This blog here is all about me. On the main page I have links to my three other blogs; one where I practice my journalistic skills and focus on sharing the interesting stories of people I come across; one where I share the experiences I had while serving as an LDS missionary in Ecuador; and the other where I randomly and very seldom post some of the poems, fiction stories, and other various writings on which I work in my spare time. So browse around and see what you like. Follow me on instagram and twitter and be sure to subscribe to follow me here through bloglovin or by email. Only then will I be able to attempt to entertain you twice a week as rant and rave, gush and gossip, share and exaggerate, and otherwise exploit the simple happenings of my very own life.