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The Philosophy of Hate and Adventure

From coast to coast I go!
Life in the Northwest is by no means boring to me yet-- in fact I have seriously been considering staying here permanently after school, or at least coming back after grad. school somewhere else-- but even so, come March and I will be jetting off to the other end of the country. That's right I am finally going to New York! I am all but literally exploding with happiness.
With a sister and a new baby on the other side of the country in one of the coolest states in the U.S. how can I not go there for my spring break? Well, clearly I couldn't not go....which is why I am going!
This quarter has had me stressed far beyond my normal capacity and I feel as though information is being forced into my head when there isn't room for it to fit; maybe I should try to forget some of those many memorized movie lines, but I am fairly sure because of how often Rennie and I repeat them...they are forever stuck in my head.
I am immensely enjoying my African History class. I am so glad that I chose to take it. I think it will really help me as I move closer to the opportunity of my study abroad. I have one of the coolest and most passionate teachers I have ever met and that simply makes it all the better. I don't know what I would do if I were forced to attend a large university; large classes where the teacher doesn't know me personally is a something I could never deal with.
My English class is of course going well, I can't help but love it because it is all reading and writing, so that's enough about that.
As for my third major class, I hate my life. Philosophy has become the bane of my existence! I guess you could say that the ideas behind it and the fact that people are acknowledging how little they know is cool; but talking in circles about the idea of whether or not I am seen because I am being seen or just because I am something seen has to be the most pointless and boring way to spend two hours twice a week. Maybe philosophy is just not my forte, I don't really know, all I know is that it makes me very tired, hungry, and bored.
As this weekend is a long weekend and Valentine's Day I am hoping to do something exciting, but we'll see if that actually ends up happening. As it is I am now officially broke because I just bought a plane ticket to New York.

I can't express enough how excited I am for summer. The thought of having time and sunshine to go hiking and exploring all over the place again is wonderful. No homework or other school related worries to deal with will allow my mind a much needed break. Plus I will get to see all the lovely people that read this, namely my family and best friend all of which I am beyond excited to see again.
However, seeing as how I still have another quarter to learn and grow, stress and work, play and lose sleep through.... I guess I will have to wait for all that excitement. But I am not worried, I live in one of the most beautiful cities I know of.
Such is life...


Linda said...

It's always so fun to hear from you! Love your style! We're just back from the Middle East and India and just literally stepped in the door to stay. We've been in Logan and CA all week. Grandma is doing well...considering...AND Sheri and Lynn went out to dinner with us last night! We had fun!

So glad you're going to see Nilly! She will love your help. Kiss that baby for me!

Evans Fam said...

I have to say...I think your writing is getting better and better. I like reading your fun little keep it up! AND DANG IT....I want to see you before your next school year starts ok?