blank'/> EyreLand: Sunshine. Oh, that which makes a smile come to my face!


Sunshine. Oh, that which makes a smile come to my face!

Sun? Flowers blooming? People tanning in the sunshine? Aren't such things unheard of in Seattle?
Apparently not.
For the last four glorious days it has been sunny and warm. I have worn shorts, flip flops, and T-shirts every day--not that such attire is unusual for me, but it has actually been warm enough to do so by normal people standards.
I had forgotten how much I love the sun and the warmth it provides while walking from classes to work or over to the bus stop. I have been taking advantage of every moment of my time in the sunshine by doing my homework outside and walking around as often as possible. Even though I rarely have time during the day to sit outside, I have been making time just because I know the sun won't last for long; it is scheduled to rain tomorrow in fact.
School is currently going quite well, I do have many papers and large amounts of reading to get done of course but I find that having the sunshine around to inspire me has made actually doing my homework a whole lot easier.
Work is work but of course I enjoy it because half the time I am walking around campus to post fliers or in the office coloring posters for our next scheduled event. My boss is, to say the least, the coolest boss I have ever had in an office type job and therefore work really isn't too much of a bother.
I am finding it hard to squeeze in time to write my articles for the newspaper--let alone do any personal writing--but I doing my best to not let such habits die. Being in a city as amazing as Seattle has definitely been a large contributor to the expanse of my imagination and I find I have been coming up with several more ideas of things I want to write about.
On Sunday I had the pleasure of going to the park with some of my friends after church. Having that small amount of time to blow off steam and run around with the energy of a small child seemed to me a great blessing bestowed by the fact that I have promised not to do homework on Sundays anymore. Having a day of relaxation, rest from school, and time to focus on the spirit really does bring about unexpected happiness.

It makes me wish that every day could be like Sunday, but then again I would probably get bored of that after a while as well.
 I have lately been looking into what classes I am going to take for next quarter and I cam across a geology course that sounds absolutely amazing. It is required for core curriculum to take a lab science class, and while I considered taking something like chemistry; the idea of being stuck in a lab for three hours a day twice a week made me very resistant. So when I came across a geology course that on its description stated that much of the class is expected to be held outside and include a number of feild trips, I couldn't resist signing up. I am actually excited to take a science course!
Other than that, my life has remained much the same as ever. I do not expect for any exciting new developments to take place in the near future but if anything in the manner of note worthy change comes about, all can be assured that this is the place I will elaborate on it.
Now I must away to enjoy the last bit of sunshine before it again disappears behind a pack of majestic clouds until real spring comes.
Such is life...


Linda said...

Looks so fun! Carry on! Are you going to be home for the summer? Thanks for sending my jacket. The pants were really glad to see it! You're awesome!

Love you!

Evans Fam said...

you make me laugh insanity! love you, even if I am insanely jealous of your weather! love it! enjoy it! and go home to Utah for the summer so we can see you!!!