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Pumpkins and Creeps!

If you weren't aware, Autumn is my very favorite season! I love everything about Fall. I love the colors, the smells, the jackets and scarves, the crisp air, the foods, and of course the holidays!
This is the first year of my college life that I have been living off of my campus and in an actual house. My roommates and I love all the freedoms that come with having our own house and at this time of year, those freedoms include sitting around the fire, drinking hot chocolate, and carving pumpkins to put out in our cute little front yard.
This year, I decided to carve my pumpkin in honor of my favorite superhero: BATMAN! He is my favorite because he doesn't need actual super powers to be awesome. He just needs a good heart, crazy courage, guts of steel, and billions of dollars. Haha. I kind of want to be Batman for Halloween, but I have yet to come by a good costume.
Yesterday, my roommates and I took a break from our crazy schedules and came together for some quality bonding time. We broke out the knives, the newspapers, the hot chocolate, and the decorations and we set about making our home ready for the most fun holiday of the year.
I love me roommies and I love my life. I can't wait for actual Halloween now!

Here is some photographic evidence of our fun and awesomeness from last night!

(My Batman Pumpkin!)

(I got it all out in one chunk)

(We made a little bit of a mess)

(I love my roommies!)

(A classic pose from "the creeps" of The Burrow)

(The Originals! We miss Annie!!)

(The three pumpkin masterpieces)

Oh! P.S. We renamed our house. Once we finally got our stupid fire alarm to stop beeping, we decided to rename our house "The Burrow." Yes, that is a Harry Potter reference. Our house is a skinny three story tall house so we felt it was fitting.
That's all for now folks!

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