blank'/> EyreLand: A set of bangs for a week of change...


A set of bangs for a week of change...

I love, I love, I love MOUNTAINS! And I have to say, Mt. Rainier is one very large and pretty mountain. I had the opportunity to go snowshoeing with my ward and I am glad I took advantage because it was nothing short of awesomely amazing!

We didn't hike too far; apparently it takes about two days to hike to the top, but we went on a pretty good loop and had lots of time to play in the snow. Because picking fights in the snow seems to be a feat that I am particularly skilled in, I was quite wet on the ride home but it was all worth it for the fun I had tumbling in the snow.
In other news, it is almost finals week which means it is almost time for me to head off to New York for spring break. Nilly called earlier today to confirm with me that we will be going to Boston while I am there and I am beyond excited to see another cool old city. 

As many of you may have heard--or read on my facebook-- that I now have bangs. I am still not used to them but I think I like them. I doubt very much that I will try to maintain them however; just letting them grow out slowly will probably work best for me. 
They have improved a bit in this past week, but here is what they looked like on the day I got them cut.

Yes I look a little scared by them, but that is because I have never done something so daring and new with my hair since I basically chopped it all of when I was three. I know I cut my own hair a lot as a kid but never this drastically...which is why I left it to the professionals and had someone else do it in exchange for a few of those lovely green bills of paper that seem to keep the world spinning round. Oh how I hate money.
With finals in just one short week, I fear I shall not be able to contain my anticipation for my flight across the country. My head may explode but...
Such is Life.


Kimberline said...

I love them! You've inspired me (kind of) to maybe consider bangs like that for myself! But I have too fat of a face for it... so it might not work... but I do need to do SOMETHING about my hair. It's getting a bit out of control.


You're gorgeous, I miss you, I'm so jealous you get to go to New York (kind of) and Boston (I LOVE Boston! So pretty and wonderful there!), and I love you to death!

Evans Fam said...

I like should send a picture of what they look like now too! Have fun in Syracuse! JEalous! and good luck on finals!