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Sleepless In Seattle.......

(All the angles of my room now that I am settled in. Welcome to my life.)

Classes have been going for a couple of weeks, many activities and opportunities to learn have come my way, I have stayed out late many a night missing many hours of sleep and yet I still think I won't ever be tired of this place.
I guess I should probably start from the beginning because that is always a good place to start. First week of classes made me scared out of my freaking mind! College is worlds away from high school and it took me a whole week of stressing to realize that yes I am in fact expected to teach myself outside of the classroom where it is all too common for the lecture to get completely off topic. I am in three amazing classes as well as choir, voice lessons, and institute for a grand total of 18 credits. Quite the load for a first quarter freshman but hey I love it so until I call you crying that I have taken on too much just leave me alone. My Poverty In America class is possibly the greatest class ever. Not only is my teacher completely passionate about the subject but he also wants to learn from our ideas on the matter. I get engaged in the class like I never have before and suddenly I am fascinated by every person I pass in the street and I am wondering what has happened in their lives to bring them to poverty or wealth. My writing class is awesome as well. there are about 18 other students in it with me and we are all really good friends. Our professor sent us to a play called "The 39 Steps" and it was one of the funniest things I think I have ever seen. We have bonded as a class and in just the few weeks I have been to class I feel I have learned ten times about my writing style than I did throughout my entire high school career. My history class is Western Civilizations. A repeat of every history class I have ever had about ancient civilizations except for the fact that it is 10 times harder. I am learning new things though so I guess it is worth it.
My first voice lesson didn't go so well because I had no voice. I lost my voice the second week of being here and it still hasn't fully recovered. But my voice teacher is really cool and he used to play the cello and do Suzuki so we have something in common other than our desire to sing. I am still working on finding a work study position but I am hoping to get one this week as I had two interviews earlier and I feel they both went well.
My ward is absolutely amazing and filled with people who are ready to help me at any time. We even had a blow out BBQ for Conference at my bishop's house. I feel really lucky to be in the ward I am in and now I can't wait for institute classes.
Now like I said I have been learning all types of things since I got here. A friend of mine is a ballroom dancer so she has been teaching me things like the cha-cha, slasa, and swing. My highlight this week was going to a swing club on Saturday night and learning some great moves as well as how to follow. For some reason- most likely the partners I have danced with- I have never really learned how to follow, but the instructor at the place we went to really helped me out and just encouraged me to keep going out dancing as much as I can so I can really get better. I am beyond excited because there is a really big swing scene here so it shouldn't be hard to find a place to go every night that I am free.
A kid on my floor is a fencer so one night he started teaching me that too. I have always wanted to know how to sword fight and now that I am starting to I know why. Weilding a weapon like that makes me feel like I am back in medevil times learning a defensive art. It's kind of a big deal!
My latest and greatest idea is to join the Crew team. I have always wanted to learn how to row and be in regatta tournaments and now I have the chance. It starts tonight so I hope it goes well. We are suppposed to go and row on lake Washington later this week so I am both nervous and excited.
Although I love it here more than I can say, I do miss home immensely. I miss the mountians in every direction and the smell of the quakey trees in the air. Mostly I miss having my own room and my super comfy bed. Living with roomates after an entire life in a room of my own is one of the most difficult things I have had to do. I am never alone and that is the hardest part. I mean I am a very independent person and I need my space in order to think. But I guess it is al just part of the college life, that and losing sleep.
But hey this is Seattle. It's supposed to be sleepless right?.........
Love you all! Until next time!


Evans Fam said...

whew....bring on the fun! sounds like you are definitely finding lots of cool and fun stuff to do! kind of makes me jealous...I miss those college days of freedom and doing all sorts of fun, adventurous, new things...and having time to...not that you're not busy...but you don't have know what i mean right!? ya, and keep livin' it up!

brittanimae said...

Awesome! I loved this post! It's great to hear how all your classes are and all the crazy things you have yourself swimming in. College is seriously an amazing time, and I'm so excited that you get to enjoy it in such a fantastic place! Love you!!!