blank'/> EyreLand: Life happens


Life happens

(I drew this for my art class.)

So there is not exactly a lot that can get me down in life. I consider myself to be an extremely happy person about 98% of the time but I have to say funerals depress me. I went to the funeral for my friend's brother and I had tears streaming down my face nearly the entire time. Nity(as i like to call her) or Serenity, my lovely older sister was really good friends with the guy in high school and so she and some of her friends played as a quartet at the funeral. Nity arranged the piece they did and it had me bawling. She really is a very gifted musician.

Well I am sure not many people will be surprised by the fact that I am now officially "over" high school and high school drama. I have reached a point where I feel older and more mature than most of my friends. I have had little interest in school events this year simply because I am ready to move forward in life. When I was little, my sister Brittani used to sing a song that went- " I want to go to college, I want to have a life. I am sick and tired of this old high school strife!"- I now find myself feeling that same way. I am anticipating hearing from my choice colleges in April but the time for that seems centuries away and I am unsure of how much more ridiculous high school teachers, rules, and drama I can take before spontaneously combusting! Ah well that feels good to have off my chest.

(Snowbird Ryan Shupe concert. Good times)

The other day I was looking through old pictures of fun times and good memories so I have posted those for your enjoyment! Until next time.....Lata!

(Nilly and Me skiing.)

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