blank'/> EyreLand: 2009


SL whUT?

Some people say you can never go home again. Others say you never leave home. I disagree with both. I definitely left and I am defeinetly back--with all literal and philisophical or whatever meanings included.
I have no official home and yet just being back in the city I grew up is me being home. It's true that a lot changed while I was gone but at the same time there is so much that is still the same that it doesn't seem to matter that so many things have changed. In all honesty, the biggest shock in my mind is the fact that the freeway is done.
I am proud to say that I think I survived finals incredibly well and I may even be able to pull off a 4.0....but at the very least a 3.8. Finals were tough to say the least but at the same time they weren't quite as bad as I had been expecting. I guess wathcing my sisters and cousins and older friends go through them made them look like the end of the world or H-E-double-hockey-sticks, but once they were all over and the last paper had been submitted, I started to laaugh at myself for thingking they would ever be that bad.
being home is in many ways very strange, mostly because I don't have pressure on me all day to be doing work or homework and I don't have to be running to classes, nope, I just get to sit and relax--a feat that has become somewhat unerveing. I do have time to read my nwe books now though so that makes me beyond happy.
After being at sea level for the last three months, it is surprisingly hard to come back here and try to run outside and be out of breath within half a mile. I miss the dense are that surrounds me at sea level. I think running here will give me exercise induced asthma.
Other than these updates, not a lot has happened yet. I have yet to see my friends and Nilly and Paul don't fly in until Wednesday so hopefully things will become more exciting after that.
Tata for now!


Fall, Ball, Call, Hmmmmm......

I thought high school dances at home were fun, little did I know the levels of fun that can be reached when attending a college dance in a somewhat strange city. Yes I attended my first college dance. FALL BALL baby! It was at the Aquarium and we got to play with the tide pool animals, watch an otter show, take pictures in a crazy cool photo booth that projected our pictures onto the wall, all while dancing and having a great time. Yes college is the place for me.
So I don't know if I mentioned it, but I got a job! Twenty long and time consuming hours a week in addition to everything else that I am doing but I have to do it. It's how I am going to pay to be here. The job is promoting Health and Wellness, i.e. informing all these crazy college kids about the dangers of sex, drugs, alcohol, etc. I find it quite fitting and somewhat hilarious that the job I have fits perfectly with the ideals and example I try to uphold while living outside my element.
Although life is stressful it is also amazing. I am declaring a double minor in Global African Studies and Visual Art and I am very excited about it. Apparently it will take me approximately five years to finish the degrees but I believe it will most definitely be worth it. I also am now planning to do a study abroad to South Africa during my Junior year and if they can find the funding for it I am going to learn Swahili! (Is that how it is spelled? I should probably figure that out.)
I am now counting the days that I get to come home though! I miss the clean air and snow of home. Ski time and all that jazz baby! That is what I am anticipating, in addition to the wonderful compnay of all my family and friends of course.
Happy soon to be Thanksgiving everyone!


the college life 'low down.'

Break it down!
Curious to know the top ten secrets for surviving the college life? Here is it:
1. Having fun is important to survival, just make sure homework is done before play time.
2. Professors are either you worst enemies or your greatest mentors. The key is to adapt, make
each of them like you and notice you.
3. Computers are bound to have problems. Back everything up!
4. Plan for change. Have a schedule but make it flexible. Things always come up.
5. Try new things! If you don't you are likely to get bored out of your mind!
6. Procrastination will be your downfall. Don't submit to it.
7. The gym is essential for brain power.
8. I know the desserts are good but seriously don't eat more than one a week.
9. Dress comfortably if it's going to be a long day. Sometimes those cute clothes don't hold up
through a busy day.
10. Sleep is essential! Get as much as you can at night and for goodness sakes go to bed early
rather than sleep in and miss class.

So far those are the things I have had to learn and now I am trying to stick to them religiously!

I have decided that the Northwest is definitely the place for me. I am obsessed with the rain, the fog, the trees, the colors, the people, and pretty much everything this place has to offer! Going to school here for four years should really be no problem as long as I keep the school part under control.
I am sorry to say I had to give up the crew team. Although it was wonderful and I deeply desired to continue, it was far to expensive for my meek college student budget and it simply took up way too much of my study time. So it was farewell to a workout on the water and hello to the gym. Yes that is correct I have been actually going to the gym at least twice a week. At least for me it truly is something to be proud of.
I am in full swing working for the newspaper now and have been finding it to be quite enjoyable thus far. I find out about more things that are going on all around campus and therefore never miss an opportunity to try something new. My newest interest is Thursday meditation. Now I have not been to it yet but I look forward to the opportunity and will be sure to report how it goes. Maybe it will help me gain more control over the procrastination part of my brain...... however, that seems unlikely.
In case the thought of Halloween has been on your mind, here are some pictures of the event.
Yeah that's right! I was a B-ball player! Too bad I didn't have an awesome Jazz jersey to represent!

One of my crews!

We went on a dance boat cruise around the harbor. Crazy awesomeness because it was royally raining!

Life is going good. I need to take some pictures of the beautiful and amazing fall here. I'll get those up soon!
Love to you all!


StEpPiN in StYle

Seattle is known to be one of the most diverse city's in the US. Just walk down Broadway and you will see people from all walks of life and each will have a very unique and different style. Who knew something as simple as one pair of shoes could bring them all to have the same opinion? Well I didn't and now I do.
Anyone remember the shoes I asked mom to get me last Christmas and every one thought they were weird looking except for me?......well apparently every one here loves them!
I wore my cute little, or well technically big and tall, shoes to church today and people on the bus, on the street, and at church kept telling me they were so cute and asking where in heaven's name I had gotten them. This struck me as somewhat humorous so I began to keep count of how many people said something about them. The count by the time I had returned to my dorm room..........drum roll...........................41 times!
I never would have thought so before I experienced it, but having random strangers go out of their way to tell you that your shoes are cute is surprisingly gratifying. I mean I am one of those people who normally hates compliments, but having them directed at my shoes gives me confidence in my style which, let's be honest, is never a bad thing.
Anyway that is my fun story for the day! Lata.

The Lovely Shoes!

And They Are Surprisingly Comfortable

I'm Just Saying......


Sleepless In Seattle.......

(All the angles of my room now that I am settled in. Welcome to my life.)

Classes have been going for a couple of weeks, many activities and opportunities to learn have come my way, I have stayed out late many a night missing many hours of sleep and yet I still think I won't ever be tired of this place.
I guess I should probably start from the beginning because that is always a good place to start. First week of classes made me scared out of my freaking mind! College is worlds away from high school and it took me a whole week of stressing to realize that yes I am in fact expected to teach myself outside of the classroom where it is all too common for the lecture to get completely off topic. I am in three amazing classes as well as choir, voice lessons, and institute for a grand total of 18 credits. Quite the load for a first quarter freshman but hey I love it so until I call you crying that I have taken on too much just leave me alone. My Poverty In America class is possibly the greatest class ever. Not only is my teacher completely passionate about the subject but he also wants to learn from our ideas on the matter. I get engaged in the class like I never have before and suddenly I am fascinated by every person I pass in the street and I am wondering what has happened in their lives to bring them to poverty or wealth. My writing class is awesome as well. there are about 18 other students in it with me and we are all really good friends. Our professor sent us to a play called "The 39 Steps" and it was one of the funniest things I think I have ever seen. We have bonded as a class and in just the few weeks I have been to class I feel I have learned ten times about my writing style than I did throughout my entire high school career. My history class is Western Civilizations. A repeat of every history class I have ever had about ancient civilizations except for the fact that it is 10 times harder. I am learning new things though so I guess it is worth it.
My first voice lesson didn't go so well because I had no voice. I lost my voice the second week of being here and it still hasn't fully recovered. But my voice teacher is really cool and he used to play the cello and do Suzuki so we have something in common other than our desire to sing. I am still working on finding a work study position but I am hoping to get one this week as I had two interviews earlier and I feel they both went well.
My ward is absolutely amazing and filled with people who are ready to help me at any time. We even had a blow out BBQ for Conference at my bishop's house. I feel really lucky to be in the ward I am in and now I can't wait for institute classes.
Now like I said I have been learning all types of things since I got here. A friend of mine is a ballroom dancer so she has been teaching me things like the cha-cha, slasa, and swing. My highlight this week was going to a swing club on Saturday night and learning some great moves as well as how to follow. For some reason- most likely the partners I have danced with- I have never really learned how to follow, but the instructor at the place we went to really helped me out and just encouraged me to keep going out dancing as much as I can so I can really get better. I am beyond excited because there is a really big swing scene here so it shouldn't be hard to find a place to go every night that I am free.
A kid on my floor is a fencer so one night he started teaching me that too. I have always wanted to know how to sword fight and now that I am starting to I know why. Weilding a weapon like that makes me feel like I am back in medevil times learning a defensive art. It's kind of a big deal!
My latest and greatest idea is to join the Crew team. I have always wanted to learn how to row and be in regatta tournaments and now I have the chance. It starts tonight so I hope it goes well. We are suppposed to go and row on lake Washington later this week so I am both nervous and excited.
Although I love it here more than I can say, I do miss home immensely. I miss the mountians in every direction and the smell of the quakey trees in the air. Mostly I miss having my own room and my super comfy bed. Living with roomates after an entire life in a room of my own is one of the most difficult things I have had to do. I am never alone and that is the hardest part. I mean I am a very independent person and I need my space in order to think. But I guess it is al just part of the college life, that and losing sleep.
But hey this is Seattle. It's supposed to be sleepless right?.........
Love you all! Until next time!


Rain, Rain I'm Getting Used To You....

So when I used to tell people I was going to be attending a school in the Northwest, the most common response was a blunt WHY?!?!?!
My answers were never probably completely competent sounding but now that I am here I know why. The simple answer is simple. Because it is amazing and beautiful up here.
I have loved every minute of my time up here and I have only been here for about a week. I honestly can say I understand the nickname of the Emerald City because every where I look is green. Trees in every direction I tell you! Out my window, across the bay, and every direction except straight up at the lovely gray sky.
While Mom and Don were still here I was lucky enough to tour around the Olympic Peninsula and see some really new and wonderful things like the Hoh Rain forest, Bainbridge, Hurricane Ridge, and all sorts of cute little port towns including Port Angeles. Oh yes that is correct I went to the Twilight places. I even had the pleasure to stay in the Forks Motel and see the infamous Forks High School. In all hanesty though, the town is not as cute as it sounds in the book- no offense to the town- but it just didn't live up to my expectations. However, I do have to say they have some pretty awesome Twilight themed stores. The best was called Dazzeled by Twilight. It literally had every kind of merchandise imagineable that could have some sort of Twilight inspred thing on it. Props to the people who came up with all of that stuff!
Adjusting to the idea of being without family has not been as beautiful as the city I get to live in. I held it together quite nicely when Mom and Don departed and left me in my room, but every time a family member calls I get all choked up and think how I won't see anyone until Christmas. It really is quite sad but luckily I have a nice big group of friends going to keep me company and keep my mind off of being away from home.
Since classes haven't started yet it pretty much just feels like I am at some neverending slumber party but with boys around. I have met some cool guys this week but like I said none I would be interested in dating. I really doubt I will date while up here so all you people who thought I would better look forward to losing that bet.
My drama of worrying about the boys has totally subsided because I have yet to have a boy see me in my bath robe or any other form of too little clothing.
Anyway, I thought I should update you all and post some pictures so enjoy these until I can take more!



The most tragic news I have heard in a long time has just reached my eyes through the message of my dear new roommate. Apparently, unlike my previous beliefs, I have been placed on a coed floor. Yes that means boys will be walking in the same hall as me when I cross to the bathroom. I am scared beyond all belief and I think I am close to hyperventilating myself faint.
I don't like having my brother see me in a towel when I go from bathroom to bedroom let alone some stranger I clearly have no relation to and is around my same basic age!
Perhaps yes this may seem to be an over dramatic reaction but I am truly scared by this new found fact. This is not what I signed on for. All that's left to do for me now is to hope for the best and to try and prevent myself from experiencing a full blown panic attack. I don't think it would go well with the tremendous amount of stress I am already under.
Until next time.


Hot Summer Days

Now when I say hot summer days I mean it quite literally. It gets to be about 1oo degrees while I am working hard painting Uncle Dan's house. Luckily I am in a place where I know no one other than Grandma and Dad so being a sweaty pig covered with paint splatters doesn't really matter.

Anywho, I got my rooming situation worked out and I am now successfully placed in a triple dorm room and have two fabulous roomates named Sam and Georgia. They are both truely sweet girls and we have plans to pimp out our dorm room and all kinds of things. To say the least we are getting along very well.
We all learned a funny fact about eachother as we were talking online today, we have all at some point played the violin! Crazy I know but at the same time wickedly cool. We all have a lot in common including the fact that none of us want to sleep on the top bunk. We are hoping we will be able to "debunk" our room and all have floor beds but who knows how much space we will have.
Meeting them has made me even more excited for school although the fact that I can't get my schedule until I am up there makes me not want to go. It just stresses me out knowing that I won't be able to purchase my books until I am already in classes. Oh well though I guess I will just have to tough it out and make the best of what I have to work with.

For those who care to know, Nilly is having another boy and Chelsi is expecting another girl. Oh it is crazy to think how fast their little families are growing. I love the idea of having more little neices and nephews to play with, even if I will be a thousand miles away from all of them.

Ah yes life is going well for now. I had a great birthday last week and got to celebrate with everyone still around. Sushi with the familyand cheescake with friends. Definitly my idea of an elegant and fun birthday.
Hopefully I can keep up with all the goals I have made myself this year and do well in school, with friends, at my job, and in anything else that I might have the need to be involved in.

Well that about sums up my life at this point. I'll be sure to update you again when something changes and the need arises. Tata for now!


Paul's looking over my shoulder...

Oh so very much has been happening since I last updated. Learning to adapt to adult life is in many ways more difficult than I could have imagined. Responsibilities of getting ready for school and earning the money I need for school make me long for the days of childhood where I would spend everyday at the lake with no worries other than drowning if I fell when waterskiing.
I do feel lucky however because since my dad is gone on vacation for a while, I have been getting to spend some time taking care of my Grandma Ruthie and helping her with our family history. Learning all about my ancestors reall helps me to see the bigger picture in life. It also makes me realize how accomplished my whole family line has been and then I desire even more to become an outstanding name on the line. Like my grandma I want to be a good influence on all my descendants and have as many wonderful generations to follow me as she does. She truely is a remarkable woman and I am grateful to have this time to get to know her better.
Although I need to keep working and making the money I need for school, I fully intend to make this summer worthwhile by spending as much time as I can up at my cabin and waterskiing my little heart out. If i can improve by like 20% this summer, I won't feel as bad about not being able to snow ski while up at school. Well being up at the cabin as I am makes me not want to spend much time on the computer so I will write a full blog about my July later.


Graduation Sensation!

Breaking news for the world! I finally graduated! I am so happy to be done with High School. In all honesty it was fun and I am glad it turned out the way it did....but at the same time it seemed some what pointless.
My real news however is that after graduation I went on my senior trip to Newport! It was the best vacation I think I have ever had because I was with my friends and I was completely care free.
I was able to spend the days lounging in the sun, eating at TK burgers, Crab cooker, Cheesecake Factory, and the amazing Seaside doughnut shop. I think that was everyone's favorite part. The Seaside doughnut shop is just a short walk from where we were staying on the beach and their doughnuts are quite literally a little slice of heaven. We would stay up until 3 in the morning just to go there and get their fresh doughnut holes and chocolate bars.
Lunch at Tk burgers, Pipeline, and the ever yummy Jane's corn dogs would certainly be enough to put any food lover into a state of pure bliss- and that is exactly what it did for me.
I think one of the greatest things about being at the beach is that you never really have to try very hard. Every morning I would wake up, eat, throw on my swimsuit, and stroll down to the water. The waves were awesome as always and we got some time in on the sand playing volleyball, paddle ball, and just chillin' on our towels.
My day at Disneyland was definitely a great experience as well. It may be the happiest place on earth no matter when you go, but when you go with a huge group of friends and no cares in the world, it becomes the happiest place ever! MMMM! I even got to eat one of my favorite treats! The deadly delectable Cream Cheese Pretzels! Seriously if you ever go there, get them because they will change your life!
The ocean, Disneyland, food, and everything were all amazing and now I am in the depths of despair. Returning home and adjusting back to real life was difficult after an adventure like that. But I think I have finally recovered and I am once again transforming into my responsible adult self.
The sad news however is that I have yet to find a job and my need for one grows more dire every day. So if you hear of any good summer jobs.... please tell me!
Anyway that's the extent of this update. Lata!


I Belive In A Thing Called INSANITY!

I'm in a phase. I keep thinking the whole world is going to end. Everything will come crashing down simply because we are moving. CSE and I are moving to R&L's house for the summer while Pops moves away to take care of GR. I know our duplex here isn't the nicest or greatest place in the world but it really has become like a home. My room is what I am going to miss the most. My great window with the great view of the city and the big tall trees that blow in the wind and put me to sleep...... oh how I will miss it. Plus CSE and I will really struggle to get along when sharing a room, but hey we are just grateful to have a good place to live for the summer so I guess we can't complain.
We have had a yard sale here the past two Saturday's to get rid of all the stuff we can't take with us and it has been sad to see so much of our stuff go away. We haven't sold any of the furniture though and that is what we really need to sell because Pops doesn't have a place to keep all of it anymore. I just hope we get rid of it before we officially have to be out of here.

The countdown to the end of school and graduation is almost over! I am really excited to finally be out of high school and the prison it creates for me. However, when it ends it will actually be summer which means I need to have a job. I have been looking for one for about four weeks now but nobody- and I mean nobody!- is hiring. I need a job that pays at least $10 and hour if I am going to be able to earn the money I need for school so that factor makes it even harder. Hopefully something good will come along though.

For memorial day weekend, CSE and I got the chance to go and hang out at M&D's cabin and we went water skiing! The water was absolutely freezing but it was fun nonetheless. I just can't wait till summer hits and we can go real skiing without worrying about hypothermia. Oh how the summer weekends will rock!

Another fun thing CSE and I got to do was go to Vegas and see a Ben Folds concert at The House of Blues. That was definitely a fun experience and it also allowed us to hang out with S&J and their kids. I forget how much fun little cousins are when they aren't around fora long time. I miss all the little cousins.

Anyway I think that's the end of this update. Lata!


A Case Of Senioritis

If college registration were any more difficult I think it would literally kill me. The past couple weeks my mind has been completely preoccupied with thoughts of picking classes, housing, meal plans, and organizations. And then as if that were not enough, I have AP tests this week! Two of which I am dreading. Well actually no I am quite looking forward to my english test. The statistics test is the one that has my mind spinning in circles. I have struggled with that class all year because math (especially the unique kind that applies to statistics) is not one of my strong suits. Nevertheless I know I have worked hard so I am hoping for the best that I will pass and knock off a little college math credit.
I am so excited to graduate. My senioritis is definitely begining to kick into high gear. I have been missing a number of days due to mainly sickness but also some good old fashioned sluffing as well. I can just smell the wonderful approach of summer and my last days here before my collge adventure begins.

(J and Me at Cheesecake Factory birthday dinner)

I have been spending alot of time with ATEC and PC and little CPC. CPC is such a good little walker now. He'll just stand up and take off across the room reeking havoc as he goes. If it is even possible I'd bet my life that he gets cuter everyday! I love that little kid so much. It's sad I dont get to have all my other nephews and neices as close by. But next year I guess I won't be close to any of them so maybe it is good I don't have time to get too attached to having them close all the time.
The job hunt is still going.... meaning I still haven't found one. I need to find one really soon though if I am going to be able to save up all the money I need for next year. So I guess that will be my next main focus as soon as my classes and stuff for next year is straightened out.
On SaturdayJR took me to see the new movie "17 again" and it was awesome. People give Zac Efron crap because of "High School Musical" but I really think he is a pretty decent actor. Plus the movie was hilarious which really just makes it that much better. So my advice is for everyone to go see it at least once.

(Prom was a ton of fun! Huge group!)

Oh! I went to prom last weekend and it was awesome! RP asked me and we had a group that was pretty much the size of our senior class. The lady that did our group pictures could barely fit us into the lens when she was about 80 feet away. It was one of my favorite dances because the group was just huge and fun. Dances are one thng I will definitely miss about high school. They are always fun!
I think that is it for now. Until next time. Lata!