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A Case Of Senioritis

If college registration were any more difficult I think it would literally kill me. The past couple weeks my mind has been completely preoccupied with thoughts of picking classes, housing, meal plans, and organizations. And then as if that were not enough, I have AP tests this week! Two of which I am dreading. Well actually no I am quite looking forward to my english test. The statistics test is the one that has my mind spinning in circles. I have struggled with that class all year because math (especially the unique kind that applies to statistics) is not one of my strong suits. Nevertheless I know I have worked hard so I am hoping for the best that I will pass and knock off a little college math credit.
I am so excited to graduate. My senioritis is definitely begining to kick into high gear. I have been missing a number of days due to mainly sickness but also some good old fashioned sluffing as well. I can just smell the wonderful approach of summer and my last days here before my collge adventure begins.

(J and Me at Cheesecake Factory birthday dinner)

I have been spending alot of time with ATEC and PC and little CPC. CPC is such a good little walker now. He'll just stand up and take off across the room reeking havoc as he goes. If it is even possible I'd bet my life that he gets cuter everyday! I love that little kid so much. It's sad I dont get to have all my other nephews and neices as close by. But next year I guess I won't be close to any of them so maybe it is good I don't have time to get too attached to having them close all the time.
The job hunt is still going.... meaning I still haven't found one. I need to find one really soon though if I am going to be able to save up all the money I need for next year. So I guess that will be my next main focus as soon as my classes and stuff for next year is straightened out.
On SaturdayJR took me to see the new movie "17 again" and it was awesome. People give Zac Efron crap because of "High School Musical" but I really think he is a pretty decent actor. Plus the movie was hilarious which really just makes it that much better. So my advice is for everyone to go see it at least once.

(Prom was a ton of fun! Huge group!)

Oh! I went to prom last weekend and it was awesome! RP asked me and we had a group that was pretty much the size of our senior class. The lady that did our group pictures could barely fit us into the lens when she was about 80 feet away. It was one of my favorite dances because the group was just huge and fun. Dances are one thng I will definitely miss about high school. They are always fun!
I think that is it for now. Until next time. Lata!

1 comment:

Evans Fam said...

not you and the initials for everybody's names too...?! um... i am going to have to talk to you about the difference between prom there and here in Rapid City...these girls take it SOOOOO seriously here...kind of funny really. love ya!