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Another Year Over and a New One Just Begun

As I am sure is the case with most people, the end of one year and the start of another always sets me about analyzing my state in life. I reflect on the years that have passed-- most particularly the most recent year-- and I ponder on the possibilities that a new year will hold. However, I think my years of Jesuit education have caused me to add a unique depth to this yearly analysis because of the idea of discernment which it has ingrained in me.
Discerning what our lives mean in the present, as well as understanding where we have come from and where we are set to go as well as where we hope to go, are crucial parts of the Jesuit ideals. Without coming to a holistic comprehension of these things, we cannot do our part in contributing positively to our society and the world as a whole; an idea which drove the original Jesuit, St. Ignatius, to lead the charitable, educated, leadership based life that he did.
Much like St. Ignatius, in order to live the life that I have in mind, continuous discernment is necessary, and I am grateful for the jump start that a new year brings me.
This last year has brought a lot of unexpected twists and turns to my life. I left for a mission in another country and returned home earlier than planned. I got my first full-time benefited job. I started dating again-- something I avoided throughout most of my time in college. I drove across the country for the first time. I dyed my hair for the first, second, and third times ever. I started making new plans for the future, and most importantly, I realized how much I have changed in recent years, and how that will effect my future plans.
I am moving forward with my dreams in ways I may not have previously expected, but I am excited at the opportunities I can see ahead of me. I don't think I am following the path I imagined five years ago, but the end goal is the same, and I think the path I am on is the right one for me.
I know there are difficulties and unexpected turns and bumps waiting for me up ahead, but with self-confidence, faith in the Lord, encouragement from family and friends, and an ever increasing love for the world around me, I know my path will lead me to a bright future; one I have always imagined.
So Happy New Year! May 2015 be everything I hope for it to be, as well as anything that the Lord sees fit for it to be. May it be merry and bright, and may the unexpected things turn out to be the beauteous trails that are needed to shape the person I can and want to be.
Also, I dyed my hair blonde again. It doesn't quite look back to normal, but it is in the blonde family. Going red was fun, but I think I will always just feel more like myself as a blonde.

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