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Holly Jolly December in Utah

So much to do, so little time. That seems to be my life mantra because I always have too many things to do. I am a 'go, go, go and get it done' kind of person; even when I am supposed to be on winter break. For that very reason is why I am only blogging about my final month of the 2011 year now.
The end end of finals brought hope and excitement to my soul as I departed from my lovely home here and headed to my original to spend some quality with family and old friends. I had great anticipation for a relaxing, snow filled holiday, but, alas, I was let down on both accounts. My entire winter break was spent hoping around from one location to another in attempts to see and spend time with all the people I get to miss while I am at school; and it snowed only once while I was there and only for a very short period. Nevertheless, it was a fantastical break and I loved every moment of it.
I arrived at the airport on a Saturday afternoon and was able to make it home to my mom's house in time to see my brother before he headed out to his first Winter formal. He looked quite studly in his long tail tuxedo and I was so glad I got to see him before he went off to dance and be crazy into the wee hours of the morning.

I got to spend a lot of time bouncing back and forth between my mom's house and my sister's house and I was grateful for the quality time I was able to spend at both locations and the people and fun to be had at each. We had a marvelous appetizers dinner at my mom's house the day after I got back where we ate fish fresh from Pike's Place Market that I had brought on the plane with me. It was good to be back in an actual house with a fireplace where we could all gather round and just talk and enjoy the winter season with good food and family.

I also got to go with my best friends from high school to our traditional Cheesecake Factory dinner. It was so good to see all of the and catch up with how their lives of school, work, and marriage have been going. It is crazy to think that one of my best friends is already married and another one is getting married in just a few more months. It still feels like we are two young but both of them are so happy and clearly ready to settle down with the people they love.

(All us girls out front of the Cheesecake Factory).

I also had the pleasure of being able to hang out with some of my old guy friends from high school who I haven't seen in two plus years. It seems that they are all returning from their missions at the same time! It was so good to see them all and it is crazy how much they have changed and are yet still very much the same.

(Sushi night!)

The part of winter break that I was most thankful for was my time with my lifelong best friend Nile. She left for her mission while I was there so I was able to attend her farewell and get to spend some time with her before she left. It is crazy to think how long she and I have been best friends and I know we will continue to be best friends probably into eternity. I am so proud of her for making the decision to go on a mission. She really will make an extraordinary missionary.

(Maddy, Nile, Becca, and me. Friends since elementary and beyond!)

(Twins!! I am going to miss this girl so much!)

Of course one of the best parts of going home for winter break is all the free food I get. My mom and Don threw their annual family Christmas party for all their kids that were in town and it was a blast. This year the party was at the Brick Oven and I must say, that place has some quality pizza. We also all got our annual treat baskets filled with all sorts of goodies. Mom and Don certainly do spoil us all with treats! I guess it is because they both have such big sweet teeth themselves!
Even more lucky, Chelsi and Sam and their kids came down for a weekend. They got to come to the party and it was so good to see them and their cute kids again. I always miss my nieces and nephews when I am away.

(All of us at the Brick Oven).

We spent the whole weekend of Christmas up at our cabin! It was marvelous because we got to go skiing over at Beaver during the days and then curl up by the fire and watch movies at night. It was a great Christmas and I was so glad to be back for a while at my favorite place on earth.

The one disappointing part of Christmas this year was that Rennie wasn't there, but the fact that she was only M.I.A. because of her being in the MTC made it okay that I didn't get to see her. Plus, she wrote me a lot while I was home so at least I got to communicate with her a lot easier than writing her letters from all the way up here.
Anyway, that's the short version of a very long and busy winter break. Now that I am back at school, I feel refreshed for the new quarter and thankful for the break.
Now, onto another quarter of filling my brain with knowledge!

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