blank'/> EyreLand: Sawubona



My deepest apologies to all my fans for my complete lack of entertainment for you in the last month. Who knew school could be so demanding? But, never mind all the stresses of paper writing and finals that I have going on because for most of the U.S. it is already summertime so I will focus on the greater things in life; namely the SUN!!!
I heard a little rumor that it has been cold, cloudy, and rainy in the great state of Utah so to all of you who thought I was crazy for moving to the Northwest, I say HAHAHA!!! It has been warm, sunny, gorgeous, and wonderful for about two weeks up here now and I must say that I believe it is true; 3 months out of the year where it looks and feels this beautiful is totally worth the 9 other months of rain and clouds. Sadly, however, my time enjoying this fine place is soon to be cut off as I will be retuning home for the summer. This is sad news and yet wonderful news because although I will be leaving something great, I will be retuning to something greater. BEAR LAKE!!!
Words cannot express (literally they can't because every time I think about it only squeals come out) my excitement of the thought of retuning to my cabin and skiing the day away, every Saturday for the whole summer! Such pleasures are really what make life as great as it can be.
In other news, I am working on finding a job for the summer (perhaps two if needed) to help me not only pay for rising tuition costs, but also to aid in my efforts towards going on my study abroad this coming winter/spring. Although the financial devils of the universe are trying to thwart my plans and dreams, I am determined to stop at nothing in making my way to South Africa as I have dreamed of doing for so very long.
I have found a wonderful program that will not only get me to the University I desire, but also help me in getting set up to volunteer and serve in the community while there. My hope is that in addition to attending classes, traveling, intensely studying IsiZulu and getting to know the culture, I will be able to volunteer and help teach English at some of the community schools there. The only problem comes in the form of that nasty thing we call money. The program is expensive (as is to be expected when going abroad) and so there is the possibility of me having to apply directly to the university without the aid of a program which, although it would save money, would leave me to find my own housing, get my own visa, deal with all the transcript transfer stuff, make all my own traveling arrangements, etc. All these are feats I do think I could conquer, and conquer well if I happened to be confronted with them, but nevertheless the idea seems daunting; especially considering that this will be my first time leaving the country.
My plan currently is to apply for as many scholarships as I can, work extra hard this summer, and if needed, to again take on two jobs in addition to my classes and such in the fall.
On a lighter note, my campus was recently converted into a concert arena for the fabulous annual event we call QUADSTOCK!!! For one whole glorious Saturday the campus was home to artists like Del the Funky Homosapien, Phantogram, and Hood Internet as well as about 400 drunk students, trucker hats, and a huge tub of cornstarch and water (which of course we ran across to defy physics! haha...or is more that we proved physics??....).
Such is Life.

1 comment:

Sum said...

I hope your dreams come true! :) All your hard work will pay off in the end. You inspire me! Really.