blank'/> EyreLand: Holi-of-days Past


Holi-of-days Past

With the Christmas and New Years as no more than a fond memory to me now, I have begun Winter Quarter of my second year in college with what I hope with be a lasting energy. Fall Quarter did a number on me and for quite some time I found myself reeling in a state of panic not only my present mental state but for the mental state of my future as well. Winter Break proved to be the perfect way to recover however and now that I am moving back into the flow of things, my only hope is that I don't burn out again like I did last quarter.
My break back home was full of fun, rest, and a whole lot of "me" time which I thoroughly enjoyed. I was able to see some of my good old friends, ski with family, eat my weight in yummy Costco quesadillas, watch movies, and take long naps. Truly my idea of a good break.
I returned to my humble abode up north on the eve of New Years and was able to enjoy the turn of the calendar while watching magnificently synchronized and colorful miniature bombs explode off the Space Needle. Yes, I think watching fireworks in downtown Seattle had to be much more fun than waiting for a ball to slowly descend down a pole on t.v. four hours after it actually happened.

(Reunion! The old gang out to our traditional lunch.)

(Rennie's Senior Recital)

(Look what Mommy got me in LONDON!)

(One tall Space Ship!)

(Russell and I at the Seattle Center)

I am now fully immersed into my class and work schedule and once again I am exerting all my energy just to balance all my commitments and still get to sleep, eat, and occasionally exercise. My reading load is rather large due to the brain malfunction I had which caused me to sign up for two intense literature classes in addition to my required theology class. It has been tough so far and although I know it will probably only get worse, I can't really complain because let's be real...most of my homework is reading books that I would want to read anyway.
Ah, I love my chosen major!
Such is life...


Evans Fam said...

No pictures with us? RUDE!!! I should have more with you from when we were there too.... so goal for next time I see you is lots of pictures of you with my kiddos, and us k? LOVE YOU! And glad you're feeling energized for this quarter. BTW...did you do it yet?:)

Linda said...

It was so fun to see you over the holidays! You're quite an amazing young lady and who in the heck is Russell?

Sum said...

Love your pictures! Good luck with everything this semester! :)