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And So It Goes

Although I have talking of a decision about a mission ever since the beginning of this school year, I am proud to say that the decision has in fact been made. I am handling all the details with my school for deferment and will soon begin the process of paperwork with the church. I am going on a mission! It's such a glorious thing to say!
To say this idea has been troubling my mind for the past year would be beyond an understatement. I think it has been troubling my mind since the time my brain developed the capicity to think for itself. With so many wonderful examples leading the way in front of me, I have witnessed the great experiences and opportunities for growth that a mission can offer; however, I have also seen the wide span of stress it can cause before a person actually leaves. The past twenty years of picking up and dropping off missionaries at the air port keeps flashing in head and I am now constantly feeling excited, nervous, scared, ready , unprepared, and a whole slew of other contraditing emotions.
It is a scary thing I am doing here, but at the same time I can sense the future blessings and the beginning sweet taste of adventure. I can't wait to take advantage of the opportunities to serve the Lord and his children in whatever part of the world (or country) that God deems me to serve in. (Everybody cross your fingers for South Africa since I have already started learning Zulu this year, but anywhere will be beautiful I am sure.)
Now I just need to study and prepare myself spiritually and mentally, get all my schoool affairs taken care of, go get my passport, finish this quarter and spring quarter of school, and then... oh yeah actually fill out and turn in my papers. It's going to be a busy next few months but...
Such is life.


Kimberline said...

AUBREY, MY LOVE. GOOD FOR YOU, SERIOUSLY. SO PROUD OF YOU OK. And I'm so excited for you!!! Is it okay if I write? Like....... please? :D

Again, I'm so proud of you! What an awesome decision. You'll be so amazing, I know it. <3

Sum said...

Aubrey! Reading this post has inspired me! I have been asking myself these very same questions as well, but with no decisions made as of now. I am SO happy for you! You will have to update me and I want to write as well! :)

Linda said...

Halleuia! We are so happy for your brave decision despite the opposition. Charity doesn't think that there are sister missionaries in South Africa but she could be wrong and even if they don't, you could be the first. Where every you go will be perfect for you!

charity eyre wright said...

aubs, I am so excited about this. the mission is the best. there is nothing like it. you will thank god every day that the mission was right for you. and you'll be a good one. can't wait to hear the call and when it comes I will debrief you :) - let's meet half way in orgeon! love you girl!! yay!!!

Jennifer said...

I would be a completely different person in many ways if I hadn't served a mission. I am so glad I did. It was a lot of fun and taught me many things and helped me get to know a lot of really great people. Just enjoy it and have fun. :)

Evans Fam said...


brittanimae said...

So much excitement around the bend! You will be amazing wherever you go! Love you, sister!!