blank'/> EyreLand: Sticky note of thankfulness


Sticky note of thankfulness

So I know it is almost Thanksgiving and that I should therefore start pondering about all the things for which I am thankful; but I have to say, despite all the blessings I know I have, it has been hard to 'be thankful' lately.
School has me in a rut. Despite my best efforts, I am falling behind in all my classes and currently have grades that to me are considerably less than desirable. I have not been able to find time to exercise other than my once a week four mile run to my institute meetings, and my general well being is therefore rapidly depleting. Then there is the fact that the holiday season is drawing ever closer which in turn means longer work hours, more papers and tests, and that nasty looming week that haunts all college students near to their grave. Finals.
I am stressed, overworked, and I probably sound like the whiniest dumb college student in history because I know there are billions of people with far worse troubles than mine, but for some reason I can't shake the feeling that I have taken on way more than I can handle. Feelings of this genre make it hard to be grateful.
Yet, I know I have a lot to be grateful for. I am living in one of the most amazing cities in America and due to the great amount of financial aid I receive, I am able to go to a great school that would normally be far out of my reach. I have friends who love and respect me, a family that is ever caring, a ward full of strong people who love to serve and share the gospel, and two jobs to help me pay for whatever my financial aid can't cover. I am blessed in so many ways but I have let my struggles get in the way of me remembering that.
So for this Thanksgiving, my message for myself and for anyone else who cares: take the time to consider your blessings. Write them down on a sticky note and post them somewhere you can see them daily (like on your mirror); and when a hard day comes along and you are ready to give up, look at them, and you will have the strength of mind to continue.


Kimberline said...

I love this post, and even more I love you. Very good advice; I will definitely be taking it for myself. ;)

I know you're life in Seattle is far more superior to any life you had in Salt Lake City, but I just can't wait to see you.

Hang in there, beautiful girl!! I love you!

Sum said...

AUBREY! I saw the comment you posted on Kim's wall. Thought I would drop a little hello. :) Funny how I blogged about Thanksgiving before I even read your blog. Serendipitous?! I feel the exact same though. Grades dropping big time...stress and just everything in life. I like your message though! We just all need to hang in there!

Jennifer said...

I remember the days. I particularly remember taking a Biology test that I hadn't had any time to study for, at all, and physics tests that I studied for but still didn't understand how to get the right answers. Grades certainly aren't everything. It sounds like you are on the right track to protecting your sanity though, because being grateful is one of the most important things to achieving a happy life. :) Thanks for the reminder.

Evans Fam said...

I love you Aubs!!! And I'm glad that you have a blog that I can read. I should just call you more often though huh? I WISH we got to see you at Thanksgiving too...but maybe...maybe Christmas! Oh how we would love to get the job that Sam applied for in Seattle....????