blank'/> EyreLand: Magic?..... Magic. I believe you.


Magic?..... Magic. I believe you.

Due to the strange, quirky, love/dislike, happy go lucky, "we are enemies" relationship that I share with my slightly older sister Rennie, we often acts as one; meaning we share the same thought patterns...."It's like I have ESPN or something."
Being on the same wave length as we are, we often have the ability to complete sentences for each other, know what is going through each other's heads, and best of all....we are nearly professional at guessing random movie lines at any given time. Yes, this would seem to be a rather stupid and inefficient way to spend one's time, but it is just what we do.
Of course, being far away from each other has made our little game much more difficult to play--although not impossible due to modern technology and the ability to send little "thumb" typed messages through cellular devices from thousands of miles away (you've got to love that!...oh wait...)
We have a special knack for remembering these useless lines and bits of information from movies in such a way that almost everyone around us becomes confused by. It is our gift though. One which we cherish through long and often pointless phone conversations, real conversations, and occasionally ten minute laughing sprees.
If as an outsider of our little bond this comes as a not be alarmed for it is all in good humor, I give my word. The reason for which I have chosen to address this topic is merely based on an occurrence from earlier this evening.
I was sitting with my friends while studying when my phone rang. Of course if turned out to be Rennie and I believe the first words I heard from her were, "Name the movie!" Words which I am always pleased to hear but which send my mind into a momentary frenzy as my head tries to search the vast caverns of my mind for the perfect fit where the words, "Just listen to teacher" can match up with the title of the movie The Lion King.
Thinking of this somewhat indescribable relationship and bond with my closest sister caused me to experience for one of the first times since my arrival here, a moment of home sickness. So this little inconsequential rant is my statement to her and anyone else who cares to take a little ganter at this particular web address that: I love my family and I indeed do miss them. All the fun in the world can't change that fact so I am sorry I don't display my feelings of nostalgia for such presence as theirs often enough.
Such is life...


Jennifer said...

Yes, such is life. Crazy, fun, mundane, nostalgic, exciting, exhausting. All rolled into one. Quite the ride. Special relationships with people you love (especially family) make it all the more enjoyable. :) The best things in life are free, but often fleeting, so we must learn to enjoy them while we can. The times when we are compelled to do without, are the times we come to fully appreciate what we had before.

Evans Fam said...

I like being able to read your makes me remember who you are. I'm glad your writing is drenched in your personality! Miss you and love you, and can't believe it has been SO long since I have seen you dear! Let's not let it be an ENTIRE year ok? LOVES!

brittanimae said...

Awwww, you're such a cutie, Aubs!! I remember you and Rennie watching Disney movies until you could recite them all backwards. Chelsi and I used to alternate between scandal (their brains will rot out!) and bitterness (Mom never let US watch that much TV) over it, but apparently it didn't do you too much damage in the long term. Miss you!!!