blank'/> EyreLand: January 2010


Holidays of days gone past

Christmas break was to say the very least, AMAZING!
I was so happy I got to see the whole family and spend some quality time on the slopes with Rennie and Nile. Being back home was great but being back here at home is even better than I expected. I am finally adjusted and comfortable in my new quarter's classes and though once again they are unbelievably hard, I am enjoying them completely.

In other news, I have discovered real pain, pain enough to make me go to the ER on a Sunday night and get prescribed to be on doppey drugs for a week. I still don't completely understand what is wrong with me but the basics are that my back really really hurts! It's miserable and even worse is the fact that the prescription makes me tired all the time.
It is easy to tell from this short little blog that not a lot of exciting things are happening yet for me this quarter but we never know what the future holds, and I look forward to finding out. In the meantime, here are some pictures from the winter season to keep everyone happy! Lata!