blank'/> EyreLand: I'm SURROUNDED by BOYS!!!



The most tragic news I have heard in a long time has just reached my eyes through the message of my dear new roommate. Apparently, unlike my previous beliefs, I have been placed on a coed floor. Yes that means boys will be walking in the same hall as me when I cross to the bathroom. I am scared beyond all belief and I think I am close to hyperventilating myself faint.
I don't like having my brother see me in a towel when I go from bathroom to bedroom let alone some stranger I clearly have no relation to and is around my same basic age!
Perhaps yes this may seem to be an over dramatic reaction but I am truly scared by this new found fact. This is not what I signed on for. All that's left to do for me now is to hope for the best and to try and prevent myself from experiencing a full blown panic attack. I don't think it would go well with the tremendous amount of stress I am already under.
Until next time.


Evans Fam said...

Let's talk about the perks of bath-robes....they are many. 1 - they're soft (if you get the right kind). 2-they cover you entirely (as long as you tie them up right). 3- they're very stylish! 4- your towel can be used to wrap up your hair instead of half-way covering your body. 5- the boys won't be able to rip a robe off you as quickly as a towel. 6- they are super comfy!!! I highly recommend you get one!

brittanimae said...

Hahahahaha!!! Most girls in my dorm would have KILLED to live co-ed. Sad, what living in a family of girls does to one's sense of modesty. *sigh*

(psst--you'll be fine)