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Graduation Sensation!

Breaking news for the world! I finally graduated! I am so happy to be done with High School. In all honesty it was fun and I am glad it turned out the way it did....but at the same time it seemed some what pointless.
My real news however is that after graduation I went on my senior trip to Newport! It was the best vacation I think I have ever had because I was with my friends and I was completely care free.
I was able to spend the days lounging in the sun, eating at TK burgers, Crab cooker, Cheesecake Factory, and the amazing Seaside doughnut shop. I think that was everyone's favorite part. The Seaside doughnut shop is just a short walk from where we were staying on the beach and their doughnuts are quite literally a little slice of heaven. We would stay up until 3 in the morning just to go there and get their fresh doughnut holes and chocolate bars.
Lunch at Tk burgers, Pipeline, and the ever yummy Jane's corn dogs would certainly be enough to put any food lover into a state of pure bliss- and that is exactly what it did for me.
I think one of the greatest things about being at the beach is that you never really have to try very hard. Every morning I would wake up, eat, throw on my swimsuit, and stroll down to the water. The waves were awesome as always and we got some time in on the sand playing volleyball, paddle ball, and just chillin' on our towels.
My day at Disneyland was definitely a great experience as well. It may be the happiest place on earth no matter when you go, but when you go with a huge group of friends and no cares in the world, it becomes the happiest place ever! MMMM! I even got to eat one of my favorite treats! The deadly delectable Cream Cheese Pretzels! Seriously if you ever go there, get them because they will change your life!
The ocean, Disneyland, food, and everything were all amazing and now I am in the depths of despair. Returning home and adjusting back to real life was difficult after an adventure like that. But I think I have finally recovered and I am once again transforming into my responsible adult self.
The sad news however is that I have yet to find a job and my need for one grows more dire every day. So if you hear of any good summer jobs.... please tell me!
Anyway that's the extent of this update. Lata!


Evans Fam said...

totally jealous of the fun senior trip. Congrats on graduating. Way to go on being modest while in were one of the only ones. Hope those "depths of despair" don't last too long....and when it comes to a summer might just have to buckle down and get a job that you don't love, just because you need the is not the time of your life to be too picky about that sort of thing. time is of the essence!

brittanimae said...

Okie-doke sister! You officially have TWO blog readers now! Good luck with the working and whatnot before you start, but most importantly, get your brain ready to buckle down and study hard once you get there! We love you!