blank'/> EyreLand: February 2009


Life happens

(I drew this for my art class.)

So there is not exactly a lot that can get me down in life. I consider myself to be an extremely happy person about 98% of the time but I have to say funerals depress me. I went to the funeral for my friend's brother and I had tears streaming down my face nearly the entire time. Nity(as i like to call her) or Serenity, my lovely older sister was really good friends with the guy in high school and so she and some of her friends played as a quartet at the funeral. Nity arranged the piece they did and it had me bawling. She really is a very gifted musician.

Well I am sure not many people will be surprised by the fact that I am now officially "over" high school and high school drama. I have reached a point where I feel older and more mature than most of my friends. I have had little interest in school events this year simply because I am ready to move forward in life. When I was little, my sister Brittani used to sing a song that went- " I want to go to college, I want to have a life. I am sick and tired of this old high school strife!"- I now find myself feeling that same way. I am anticipating hearing from my choice colleges in April but the time for that seems centuries away and I am unsure of how much more ridiculous high school teachers, rules, and drama I can take before spontaneously combusting! Ah well that feels good to have off my chest.

(Snowbird Ryan Shupe concert. Good times)

The other day I was looking through old pictures of fun times and good memories so I have posted those for your enjoyment! Until next time.....Lata!

(Nilly and Me skiing.)



Freak East!




Well here's the news of the "aubrey" front. I got all dressed up and freaked my little heart out at the most entralling Freak East game I have ever experienced in my short lifetime-being a senior makes everything better-of 18 years and after that I returned most jovially to my inner child by taking trip to Disneyland. All in all I would have to say January into February was a most excellent and exciting time.

While in California I discovered a well kept secret hidden in the lovely mountains of southern California. It is called Magic Mountain or Six Flags California and it is quite possibly the most amusing place on earth for people like me who enjoy riding rollercaoster after roller coaster at extreme hieghts and speeds. We-Don, Mom, Howie, and I-rode every rollercoaster there until we were sick to both our heads and stomaches. It was most definitly an adventure I will never forget.

Howie and I enjoyed Disneyland alone on the day that mom and Don ran the Huntington Beach Marathon. I might as well come out and say right now that my mom is crazy. She runs at least one marathon a year (sometimes two) and yet she always has the energy level of five year old on Easter morning. It baffles me that she hasn't broken twenty bones and had three knee surgeries yet but hey I have to say I admire the woman. I hope I can stay that active until the day I am laid to rest.

Returning to school was hard but my friends made sure I was immediately caught up on everything from the latests gossip to the ending of that Greek tragedy we are reading in english class. I have now officially gotten back into the flow of things and I am ready for whatever comes next.

On a much lower and more deppressing note, I must inform you that a good friend of mine recently experienced a loss that I cannot and hope not to ever to understand. My friend's brother took his life on Thursday morning and both she and her mother found him. It has been a difficult time for her so all of my friends and I are doing everything we can to help her and her family through this difficult time. I ask all of you to keep them in your prayers.

Life is short. I think the best way to live each day is knowing it could be your last and making each moment count. Be kind. Smile. Do your best. Tell everyone you love them.

Well people I think hat is all for now. Hope you tune in next time to hear more about my terribly exciting and dramatic teenage life. Until then.......Lata!