blank'/> EyreLand: A first for me


A first for me

Well hello there bloggers of the world. I am new at this and I don't really know what people put on these things so I guess I'll just tell you what's new with me.
This past month has been hectic and crazy. I was franticallly applying to colleges as well as trying to keep up with my intense schedule at school. I am still owrking two jobs and so I really have very little down time. Ah can't life just suck sometimes! Ah well we must soldier on.
I am loving all this snow we are gettin but I think for now the rain needs to go. I was sking up at Wolf Mountain this past Saturday and it was pouring rain. I was soaked within the first five minuetes on the mountain. It was quite miserable and I ended up leaving early.

Honestly there isn't a whole lot for me to say about this past month other than it has had only mediocre highs and really bad lows. But that's all for now folks!


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