blank'/> EyreLand: September 2014


Tacos and Celebrities

One of my favorite parts about having a "big-girl" job is going to lunch with my co-workers and friends. Lunch is, of course, something I always look forward to because it involves food; but it becomes so much more exciting when it includes time chatting with friends and getting out of the office to which I am constantly restricted.
My fabulous co-workers have been introducing me to many fabulous places in the Salt Lake Valley that I was previously unaware of. Having lived in Seattle for 4+ years, I consider myself a "foodie." I have high expectations when it comes to the food I am paying for. I love trying out new things an exploring new flavor combinations. I used to feel that Salt Lake had a very limited selection of edgy, new, and truly delectable restaurants; but my co-workers are proving otherwise.
One of my new favorite places, which has been added to our frequent visits list, is the Chow Truck. With a Portland-like vibe, the Chow Truck offers an explosion of flavor in every bit of tacos, sliders, and salads that they churn out to keep their traveling customer base happy.
On one of our recent visits to the Chow Truck, my co-workers and I were standing around in the sun, happily waiting for our food, when who should walk up to buy a couple of tacos? None other than Rimando. Yes, Nick Rimando from Real Salt Lake.
We were all slightly start struck. It took a minute for any of us to act, but my co-worker Cami wasn't about to let this opportunity go. After a brief pause, she walked up to him and said, "Hey Rimando. Can I buy your lunch for you?"
He was super nice about all of us talking to him while he waited for his food. He denied letting Cami buy his food for him-- in the most down to earth and laid back way possible-- but he let us take a quick picture with him before grabbing his food and heading out in his large white vehicle.
If I didn't have reasons to like the Chow Truck before, I certainly do now. Turns out, tacos fuel the football stars of the world as well as all of us average folks.

(I didn't get a picture with him, but I took this one of him with my co-worker) 


Kindred Spirits Together Again

There are people in this world who are just meant to be together. Best friends, sisters, soul-mates, or whatever the relationship happens to be, there are people who just make perfect sense together. In my life, the people who make perfect sense seem to be far and few between. I have my sisters of course, and my best friend from growing up, but nevertheless, true kindred spirits are a rare find for me. 
Perhaps I have a more strict definition of what it means to be a true kindred spirit; but then again, I have high expectations with most things. To me, a kindred spirit is a person who gives as much as they take in all things, especially love; who is true to themselves and never falters in kindness; who seeks adventure with the ones they love, but can also stand alone; who leaves a wake of brightness behind them and makes the world a better place. My former college roommate, and one of my few bosom friends is just such a kindred spirit.
Due to fate, and perhaps a plethora of other factors, my bosom friend Becca, who I haven't gotten much chance to see since we graduated college, just moved to Utah. She is only 30 minutes away from me now on a daily basis and I couldn't be happier about it. 
Together, we always share the best of times, and it has been no exception since her arrival here in Utah. Although we have shared a few adventures close to home in the Salt Lake Valley, the best of our recent adventures came this last weekend when she finally accompanied me to my cabin for a weekend of fun at Bear Lake. 
For all four years together at school, I talked non-stop about how she (and really all my friends) need to come to my cabin. It is a place which I happen to be slightly obsessed with. It is my favorite place on earth and I almost constantly have the desire to share it with others. With all of the build up from the past four years, I think she may have been as excited as I was to go up there together.
Although the weather wasn't the best due to the oncoming of fall, we managed to have a fabulous time in what little sunshine came our way as well as make the best of the cloud cover. So how did we spend the weekend? Well....

Cruisin' with the top down, chillin with no make-up on,

listening to the percussion of the winds and the meadows,

seeking beauty all around,

and never letting a moment pass unfulfilled.

I am so grateful for the wonderful kindred spirits in my life, and the things I learn from each one of them through all of our adventures; Becca in particular. I am so glad to be living in the same city as two of my bosom friends. Now I just have to find a way to convince the other two to move here as well; but all things happen in their time.
For now, I am content to enjoy being young, finding joy and beauty, and being grateful for the kindred spirits I have found.