blank'/> EyreLand: December 2009


SL whUT?

Some people say you can never go home again. Others say you never leave home. I disagree with both. I definitely left and I am defeinetly back--with all literal and philisophical or whatever meanings included.
I have no official home and yet just being back in the city I grew up is me being home. It's true that a lot changed while I was gone but at the same time there is so much that is still the same that it doesn't seem to matter that so many things have changed. In all honesty, the biggest shock in my mind is the fact that the freeway is done.
I am proud to say that I think I survived finals incredibly well and I may even be able to pull off a 4.0....but at the very least a 3.8. Finals were tough to say the least but at the same time they weren't quite as bad as I had been expecting. I guess wathcing my sisters and cousins and older friends go through them made them look like the end of the world or H-E-double-hockey-sticks, but once they were all over and the last paper had been submitted, I started to laaugh at myself for thingking they would ever be that bad.
being home is in many ways very strange, mostly because I don't have pressure on me all day to be doing work or homework and I don't have to be running to classes, nope, I just get to sit and relax--a feat that has become somewhat unerveing. I do have time to read my nwe books now though so that makes me beyond happy.
After being at sea level for the last three months, it is surprisingly hard to come back here and try to run outside and be out of breath within half a mile. I miss the dense are that surrounds me at sea level. I think running here will give me exercise induced asthma.
Other than these updates, not a lot has happened yet. I have yet to see my friends and Nilly and Paul don't fly in until Wednesday so hopefully things will become more exciting after that.
Tata for now!