blank'/> EyreLand: November 2009


Fall, Ball, Call, Hmmmmm......

I thought high school dances at home were fun, little did I know the levels of fun that can be reached when attending a college dance in a somewhat strange city. Yes I attended my first college dance. FALL BALL baby! It was at the Aquarium and we got to play with the tide pool animals, watch an otter show, take pictures in a crazy cool photo booth that projected our pictures onto the wall, all while dancing and having a great time. Yes college is the place for me.
So I don't know if I mentioned it, but I got a job! Twenty long and time consuming hours a week in addition to everything else that I am doing but I have to do it. It's how I am going to pay to be here. The job is promoting Health and Wellness, i.e. informing all these crazy college kids about the dangers of sex, drugs, alcohol, etc. I find it quite fitting and somewhat hilarious that the job I have fits perfectly with the ideals and example I try to uphold while living outside my element.
Although life is stressful it is also amazing. I am declaring a double minor in Global African Studies and Visual Art and I am very excited about it. Apparently it will take me approximately five years to finish the degrees but I believe it will most definitely be worth it. I also am now planning to do a study abroad to South Africa during my Junior year and if they can find the funding for it I am going to learn Swahili! (Is that how it is spelled? I should probably figure that out.)
I am now counting the days that I get to come home though! I miss the clean air and snow of home. Ski time and all that jazz baby! That is what I am anticipating, in addition to the wonderful compnay of all my family and friends of course.
Happy soon to be Thanksgiving everyone!


the college life 'low down.'

Break it down!
Curious to know the top ten secrets for surviving the college life? Here is it:
1. Having fun is important to survival, just make sure homework is done before play time.
2. Professors are either you worst enemies or your greatest mentors. The key is to adapt, make
each of them like you and notice you.
3. Computers are bound to have problems. Back everything up!
4. Plan for change. Have a schedule but make it flexible. Things always come up.
5. Try new things! If you don't you are likely to get bored out of your mind!
6. Procrastination will be your downfall. Don't submit to it.
7. The gym is essential for brain power.
8. I know the desserts are good but seriously don't eat more than one a week.
9. Dress comfortably if it's going to be a long day. Sometimes those cute clothes don't hold up
through a busy day.
10. Sleep is essential! Get as much as you can at night and for goodness sakes go to bed early
rather than sleep in and miss class.

So far those are the things I have had to learn and now I am trying to stick to them religiously!

I have decided that the Northwest is definitely the place for me. I am obsessed with the rain, the fog, the trees, the colors, the people, and pretty much everything this place has to offer! Going to school here for four years should really be no problem as long as I keep the school part under control.
I am sorry to say I had to give up the crew team. Although it was wonderful and I deeply desired to continue, it was far to expensive for my meek college student budget and it simply took up way too much of my study time. So it was farewell to a workout on the water and hello to the gym. Yes that is correct I have been actually going to the gym at least twice a week. At least for me it truly is something to be proud of.
I am in full swing working for the newspaper now and have been finding it to be quite enjoyable thus far. I find out about more things that are going on all around campus and therefore never miss an opportunity to try something new. My newest interest is Thursday meditation. Now I have not been to it yet but I look forward to the opportunity and will be sure to report how it goes. Maybe it will help me gain more control over the procrastination part of my brain...... however, that seems unlikely.
In case the thought of Halloween has been on your mind, here are some pictures of the event.
Yeah that's right! I was a B-ball player! Too bad I didn't have an awesome Jazz jersey to represent!

One of my crews!

We went on a dance boat cruise around the harbor. Crazy awesomeness because it was royally raining!

Life is going good. I need to take some pictures of the beautiful and amazing fall here. I'll get those up soon!
Love to you all!