blank'/> EyreLand: September 2009


Rain, Rain I'm Getting Used To You....

So when I used to tell people I was going to be attending a school in the Northwest, the most common response was a blunt WHY?!?!?!
My answers were never probably completely competent sounding but now that I am here I know why. The simple answer is simple. Because it is amazing and beautiful up here.
I have loved every minute of my time up here and I have only been here for about a week. I honestly can say I understand the nickname of the Emerald City because every where I look is green. Trees in every direction I tell you! Out my window, across the bay, and every direction except straight up at the lovely gray sky.
While Mom and Don were still here I was lucky enough to tour around the Olympic Peninsula and see some really new and wonderful things like the Hoh Rain forest, Bainbridge, Hurricane Ridge, and all sorts of cute little port towns including Port Angeles. Oh yes that is correct I went to the Twilight places. I even had the pleasure to stay in the Forks Motel and see the infamous Forks High School. In all hanesty though, the town is not as cute as it sounds in the book- no offense to the town- but it just didn't live up to my expectations. However, I do have to say they have some pretty awesome Twilight themed stores. The best was called Dazzeled by Twilight. It literally had every kind of merchandise imagineable that could have some sort of Twilight inspred thing on it. Props to the people who came up with all of that stuff!
Adjusting to the idea of being without family has not been as beautiful as the city I get to live in. I held it together quite nicely when Mom and Don departed and left me in my room, but every time a family member calls I get all choked up and think how I won't see anyone until Christmas. It really is quite sad but luckily I have a nice big group of friends going to keep me company and keep my mind off of being away from home.
Since classes haven't started yet it pretty much just feels like I am at some neverending slumber party but with boys around. I have met some cool guys this week but like I said none I would be interested in dating. I really doubt I will date while up here so all you people who thought I would better look forward to losing that bet.
My drama of worrying about the boys has totally subsided because I have yet to have a boy see me in my bath robe or any other form of too little clothing.
Anyway, I thought I should update you all and post some pictures so enjoy these until I can take more!