blank'/> EyreLand: August 2009



The most tragic news I have heard in a long time has just reached my eyes through the message of my dear new roommate. Apparently, unlike my previous beliefs, I have been placed on a coed floor. Yes that means boys will be walking in the same hall as me when I cross to the bathroom. I am scared beyond all belief and I think I am close to hyperventilating myself faint.
I don't like having my brother see me in a towel when I go from bathroom to bedroom let alone some stranger I clearly have no relation to and is around my same basic age!
Perhaps yes this may seem to be an over dramatic reaction but I am truly scared by this new found fact. This is not what I signed on for. All that's left to do for me now is to hope for the best and to try and prevent myself from experiencing a full blown panic attack. I don't think it would go well with the tremendous amount of stress I am already under.
Until next time.


Hot Summer Days

Now when I say hot summer days I mean it quite literally. It gets to be about 1oo degrees while I am working hard painting Uncle Dan's house. Luckily I am in a place where I know no one other than Grandma and Dad so being a sweaty pig covered with paint splatters doesn't really matter.

Anywho, I got my rooming situation worked out and I am now successfully placed in a triple dorm room and have two fabulous roomates named Sam and Georgia. They are both truely sweet girls and we have plans to pimp out our dorm room and all kinds of things. To say the least we are getting along very well.
We all learned a funny fact about eachother as we were talking online today, we have all at some point played the violin! Crazy I know but at the same time wickedly cool. We all have a lot in common including the fact that none of us want to sleep on the top bunk. We are hoping we will be able to "debunk" our room and all have floor beds but who knows how much space we will have.
Meeting them has made me even more excited for school although the fact that I can't get my schedule until I am up there makes me not want to go. It just stresses me out knowing that I won't be able to purchase my books until I am already in classes. Oh well though I guess I will just have to tough it out and make the best of what I have to work with.

For those who care to know, Nilly is having another boy and Chelsi is expecting another girl. Oh it is crazy to think how fast their little families are growing. I love the idea of having more little neices and nephews to play with, even if I will be a thousand miles away from all of them.

Ah yes life is going well for now. I had a great birthday last week and got to celebrate with everyone still around. Sushi with the familyand cheescake with friends. Definitly my idea of an elegant and fun birthday.
Hopefully I can keep up with all the goals I have made myself this year and do well in school, with friends, at my job, and in anything else that I might have the need to be involved in.

Well that about sums up my life at this point. I'll be sure to update you again when something changes and the need arises. Tata for now!