blank'/> EyreLand: July 2009


Paul's looking over my shoulder...

Oh so very much has been happening since I last updated. Learning to adapt to adult life is in many ways more difficult than I could have imagined. Responsibilities of getting ready for school and earning the money I need for school make me long for the days of childhood where I would spend everyday at the lake with no worries other than drowning if I fell when waterskiing.
I do feel lucky however because since my dad is gone on vacation for a while, I have been getting to spend some time taking care of my Grandma Ruthie and helping her with our family history. Learning all about my ancestors reall helps me to see the bigger picture in life. It also makes me realize how accomplished my whole family line has been and then I desire even more to become an outstanding name on the line. Like my grandma I want to be a good influence on all my descendants and have as many wonderful generations to follow me as she does. She truely is a remarkable woman and I am grateful to have this time to get to know her better.
Although I need to keep working and making the money I need for school, I fully intend to make this summer worthwhile by spending as much time as I can up at my cabin and waterskiing my little heart out. If i can improve by like 20% this summer, I won't feel as bad about not being able to snow ski while up at school. Well being up at the cabin as I am makes me not want to spend much time on the computer so I will write a full blog about my July later.