blank'/> EyreLand: April 2009


April rain and stress!

(Me, Carli, Kate! Twilight at midnight.)

Hello friends!
Let me begin with saying that I love the rain! There has been some wonderful rain coming down around here and it just makes the world feel cleaner and better. I suppose it is a good thing too that I like rain so much because if I am going to go to Seattle for school like I plan then I better get used to a rainy and wet environment.
Figuring out what school to go to is one of the most stressful things I have ever done in my life. It takes so much time to figure out all the financial stuff, the rooming and meal plans, and just the thought of being out in the worl on my own is all a little overwhelming. However with the help of my most magnificent sister things are looking good and the stress is slowly dying away.
I am proud to say that I filed taxes for the first time in my life this year and it felt pretty good. I am getting only about an 18 dollar refund but hey 18 bucks is 18 bucks! I can't really decide if I like or completely despise adult responsibilities but they are here and I think I am handling them pretty darn well. I have been feeling the need to take on my new role as an actual adult so I think taxes, finding a new job, and choosing a college are sure fire ways to take on that role. Anyway I am currently on spring break and it rocks. I have just been chilling around town trying to recover from mono and catching up on school work. I have been spending all my time sleeping or hanging out at Nilly's house. It is relaxing and stressful at the same time. I have a huge statistics test hanging over my head and college registration to make my head hurt.
Last night Howie, Nilly, and I went to see "Phantom" the musical that apparently is where the dude that wrote"Phantom of the Opera" got his idea, or well stole it really. It was very different but very good. I fyou ever get a chance to see it, don't pass it up.
Other than that not a ton is going on in life so I guess that's the end of this update. Lata!